Pleasant Walk Rd Climb

Hike Segment Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Maryland
  • Distance0.63km
  • Elevation Gain52m
  • Avg Grade7.5%
  • Lowest Elev467m
  • Highest Elev514m
  • Elev Difference48m
  • 5,960 Attempts By 3,415 People

Overall Leaderboard

Rank Name Time
1 Joel Troyer 4:04
2 Marshall Shanaberger 4:05
3 Adam Daniels 4:23
4 Alex Wilson 4:42
5 Amit Grover 4:47
6 Matem H 4:48
7 Jake P 4:50
8 Cubby McPatterson 5:03
9 amelia j 5:14
10 Chad Kireta 5:15

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