Kevin Crowe
Jasper, GAMountain Bike Ride
Spinning solo listening to tunes on primo trails (few trees down) and catching up with a firefighter brother. Good times. Needed to burn some stress.
- Distance15.3 mi
- Time1h 20m 12s
- Elevation1,656 ft
3 Photos
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Drowning my sorrows riding Blankets Creek since Snake Creek Gap TT 2nd race this Saturday has been moved to April 5. Oh well, got to enjoy this spring weather and see a few friends.
View MountainBikeRideMulberry Mayhem from Gates Chapel with Clint, Ron and Nate on my gravel bike which was fun coming down Bear Creek
View GravelRideSpinning solo listening to tunes on primo trails (few trees down) and catching up with a firefighter brother. Good times. Needed to burn some stress.
View MountainBikeRidePlaying with The Snake. Starting to like it. Windy & rocky, yes. Went 7 miles out & back both directions from Snake Creek Gap since I didn’t want to ride roads. Mostly zone 1 & 2. Good workout.
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