Strava Law Enforcement Guidelines
Effective Date: February 20, 2025
These guidelines are for law enforcement officials and governmental entities seeking information or records from Strava, Inc. or Strava Ireland Limited (collectively, “Strava”).
These guidelines do not create any obligation or enforceable right against Strava, nor do these Guidelines constitute legal advice or a waiver of any objection by Strava in any particular circumstance. Strava reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time.
These guidelines were written in English. To the extent a translated version conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.
Stored User Information
Strava stores and maintains user information as described in our Privacy Policy. Strava does not track a device’s location when it is not using Strava. Strava cannot guarantee that the information described in its Privacy Policy will be available for any given user or for any particular time period. Moreover, the information available to law enforcement may depend upon the type of legal process served (for example, subpoena versus search warrant), in accordance with the applicable law, such as the U.S. Stored Communications Act.
Please note that any data we produce will be in raw form (for example, .GPX or .FIT file formats) and may not be readable without specific software and skills. We do not provide depictions, interpretations, or opinions related to any data. For these reasons, we recommend you consider engaging a professional who can help you interpret raw activity data if required for your situation.
User Consent
Law Enforcement agencies or other entities who seek Strava data from individuals who consent to sharing their data should seek the data directly from such individuals. Users can download their own information free of cost using our download tool. More information about how to do this is available here.
Preservation Requests
Strava will attempt to preserve user data upon receipt of a formal preservation request from law enforcement in connection with an official criminal investigation and pending our receipt of a court order or other legal process requiring production. Preservation requests must be sent on official law enforcement letterhead and signed by a law enforcement official. We do not produce any data upon receiving a preservation request; a valid court order or approved law enforcement request is required for user data to be produced.
Requirements to Produce User Information
For U.S. Law Enforcement
Strava only responds to valid legal process properly served on Strava in the United States. U.S. entities located outside of a state where Strava is incorporated must domesticate their legal process in California.
For Non-U.S. Law Enforcement
Non-U.S. law enforcement seeking information from Strava must domesticate requests and obtain a valid U.S. court order by working through the appropriate legal mechanism, such as a mutual legal assistance treaty (MLAT) or letter rogatory.
How to Submit a Request For User Information
Strava must be notified in accordance with U.S. law or valid legal process via our Law Enforcement Portal. You will be required to register on the platform using a valid email address from an official government domain, after which you will be able to submit your requests, keep track of your requests, and access your information.
Acceptance of legal process via the Law Enforcement Portal does not waive any objections Strava may have, including lack of jurisdiction or improper service.
Information Required
We are unable to process overly broad or vague requests (e.g., all users located in a particular area and time). Strava does not participate in the collection of bulk user data at the government’s request. All requests must identify the user account and requested records with sufficient details and specificity. To prevent your request being delayed or denied due to lack of specificity, we ask that you provide as much of the following information as possible:
- The user’s legal name and/or account name
- The user’s date of birth
- The user’s location of residence (e.g., city, state, country)
- The unique Athlete ID and/or email address linked to the user’s Strava account
- Date of the reported incident or limited date range of relevant activity
- Location of reported incident or relevant activity (e.g., geolocation or address)
User Notification
Our policy is to notify users when we receive requests seeking their data by providing them a copy of the request prior to producing their information. We may make exceptions to this policy under the following circumstances:
- We are legally prohibited from providing notice (e.g., by court order under 18 U.S.C. 2705)
- We have reason to believe providing notice would result in imminent harm or serious bodily injury
- We have reason to believe notice would not reach the actual account holder (e.g., email address is invalid or the account is believed to be compromised)
Emergency Requests
If you are aware of a situation of imminent serious bodily injury, please contact your local law enforcement authority immediately.
Should local law enforcement require Strava’s assistance to avoid imminent serious bodily injury (e.g., attempting to locate a missing hiker), the entity may submit a request for user information to Strava using the Law Enforcement Portal. Please note, we only respond to emergency requests from law enforcement. Strava will review and respond to emergency requests on a case-by-case basis.
Testimony Requests
Upon request, Strava can provide a business record certification with its productions, which generally eliminates the need for Strava to provide live testimony to authenticate records. Strava does not provide in-person or expert witness testimony.
Costs Reimbursement
Strava reserves the right to seek reasonable reimbursement costs for preserving or producing information. Should Strava decide to seek reimbursement, Strava will provide a good faith estimate prior to processing the request or producing data. Costs are based on the amount of data, time, and resources required to query, access, export, and/or produce the information being sought.
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